SVT-AV1 full color range is not implemented in Voukoder

  • SVT-AV1 supports both limited and full color ranges, but there's no command or logic that switches to the full color range. The flag "color-range" from the option of selecting "Studio" or "Full" in Voukoder or DaVinci Resolve's "Data Levels" is not enough to actually export full color range video.

    The video will have a "Full" metadata tag, but the video itself will be in limited (which is why I decided to put it in bug reports).

    To export a full color range video with SVT-AV1, you need this command:

    -vf scale=out_range=full

    Tested using v1.4.1 in FFmpeg and verified in Resolve.

  • Vouk 1. Mai 2023 um 14:34

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I can confirm this. Somehow the filter graph does an automated conversion from "full" to "limited" and I don't know why ... yet. Investigating ...

    P.S.: This is not related to AV1 or DVR only... it's deep inside voukoder.

  • Vouk 2. Mai 2023 um 13:46

    Hat das Label In Bearbeitung hinzugefügt.