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VoukoderPro - Public Beta
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Is voukoderproplug.dll is listed under Help > About > Components?
Can you try starting VEGAS while holding CTRL + SHIFT and flush the plugin cache?
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Thanks for your feedback. Does this version work?
voukoderproplug.dll appears in Vegas' Component list. Cleared cache and preferences using Ctrl+Shift. No change.
File size of voukoderproplug.dll is 175 KB, is this the expected size and version (
Is there a way to log what's (not) going on?
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- Filesize is good.
- Version is also as expected.
You might want to check the file: %LOCALAPPDATA%\VEGAS Pro\20.0\vegas_script_x64.log
It should contain lines like:
Alles anzeigen... INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:47 Renderers: Enum...20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:47 Renderers: Create Renderer 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c Name: VoukoderPro INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:47 Renderers: Add Renderer 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c ... INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:47 RenderAs-Add Renderer: 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c ... INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs TemplateLoad Renderer: 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs Get Templates for 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs MakePlate Project Settings For Renderer 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs RefreshTemplateStatus: Project Settings INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs MakePlate YUV 4:2:0, 8 bit For Renderer 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs RefreshTemplateStatus: YUV 4:2:0, 8 bit INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs MakePlate YUV 4:2:0, 10 bit For Renderer 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs RefreshTemplateStatus: YUV 4:2:0, 10 bit INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs MakePlate YUVA 4:4:4, 10 bit (Alpha) For Renderer 20a67b49-2409-46d2-8dc7-490587682d3c INFO 2023-08-04 09:05:48 RenderAs RefreshTemplateStatus: YUVA 4:4:4, 10 bit (Alpha) ...
Is it working for anybody else?
The string "VoukoderPro" does not appear in the log file.
EDIT: FIGURED IT OUT! Uninstalling the Voukoder connector v1.6.0 fixes the problem. Looks like you can have either Voukoder or VoukoderPro installed in Vegas Pro 20, but not both.
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No it does not. Here's fileio_x64.log with both Voukoder and VoukoderPro installed:
In any case, uninstalling the Voukoder connector fixes things, and reinstalling it breaks everything again.
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So there is a conflict with both plugins installed?
So there is a conflict with both plugins installed?
Seems that way. Vegas Pro 20.0 won't load VoukoderPro if the Voukoder connector (v1.6.0) is installed. Haven't tried other connector versions. See my previous post for log file.
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Seems I missed to replace one GUID, got it working!
Still broken here. But there's a workaround now.
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Maybe you need to uninstall the VoukoderPro completely first.
Tested it on 2 systems and it's working here.
P.S.: Thanks for helping to solve this issue.
Maybe you need to uninstall the VoukoderPro completely first.
Correct, v0.7.1.3 was still installed. Uninstalled both versions, reinstalled v0.7.1.4.
v0.7.1.4 is confirmed working here, alongside Voukoder connector v1.6.0.
I found a bug: the latest 13 or 12.1, in Davinci studio 18.5beta or 18.5, the data level (Auto, Video, Full) is missing. However, in Studio 18.1.4, it is ok.
By the way, I hope the voukoder can establish a Linux release. Linux can use the Nvidia 12bit 4:4:4 h265 8K hardware decoding, while windows only 10bit 420.
in voukoder pro, the lack of x265 an x264 is a pity, while nvenc 4:4:4, no matter how I choose 12bit or 10bit, it can just be 8bit. that's a problem.
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I found a bug: the latest 13 or 12.1, in Davinci studio 18.5beta or 18.5, the data level (Auto, Video, Full) is missing. However, in Studio 18.1.4, it is ok.
I am using DVRS 18.5 and the data level control is visible to me. I also have no control whether it is visible or not. That's in DVRS' control.
By the way, I hope the voukoder can establish a Linux release. Linux can use the Nvidia 12bit 4:4:4 h265 8K hardware decoding, while windows only 10bit 420.
VoukoderPro is designed to be working on Windows, MacOs and Linux. Once it is working on Windows i'll work on the other builds.
in voukoder pro, the lack of x265 an x264 is a pity, while nvenc 4:4:4, no matter how I choose 12bit or 10bit, it can just be 8bit. that's a problem.
Yes. I'm working on that.
I found a bug: the latest 13 or 12.1, in Davinci studio 18.5beta or 18.5, the data level (Auto, Video, Full) is missing. However, in Studio 18.1.4, it is ok.
Same thing for me. Im using 13.1 Voukoder with the latest connector.
Also happens when i don't try to use an preset i saved before.
As soon as i select vokouder as format the data level option is disappearing
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I found a bug: the latest 13 or 12.1, in Davinci studio 18.5beta or 18.5, the data level (Auto, Video, Full) is missing. However, in Studio 18.1.4, it is ok.
Same thing for me. Im using 13.1 Voukoder with the latest connector.
Can you try updating DVR to 18.5.1 build 6 (Latest version) and see if this is fixed? I don't have control over that setting. DVR decides if it shows it or not.