Failed opening codec: hevc_nvenc

  • When i try to render a Project with NEVC it crashes . All other Codecs are working

    [12:42:53] =============================================

    [12:42:53] Voukoder 12.1 (12.1.2)

    [12:42:53] by Daniel Stankewitz

    [12:42:53] ---------------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900KF

    [12:42:53] 32 logical cores

    [12:42:53] 32625 MB system memory

    [12:42:53] Display #0 on: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

    [12:42:53] Display #1 on: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

    [12:42:53] ---------------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] ---------------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] Export started

    [12:42:53] ---------------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] Filename: C:\Users\User\Documents\Test.mp4

    [12:42:53] Application: Voukoder (VEGAS)

    [12:42:53] - Video -------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] Frame size: 3840x2160

    [12:42:53] Pixel aspect: 1:1

    [12:42:53] Timebase: 1/60 (60.00 fps)

    [12:42:53] Interlaced: Top first

    [12:42:53] Encoder: hevc_nvenc

    [12:42:53] Options: _computeCapability=8.9 _pixelFormat=p010le gpu=0 preset=p7 profile=main10 qp=15 rc=constqp tier=high tune=hq

    [12:42:53] Side data: <none>

    [12:42:53] Filters: filter.zscale#filter=bicubic|height=2160|width=3840

    [12:42:53] Passes: 1

    [12:42:53] Color range: unknown

    [12:42:53] Color space: unknown

    [12:42:53] Color primaries: unknown

    [12:42:53] Color transfer: unknown

    [12:42:53] - Audio -------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] Timebase: 1/48000

    [12:42:53] Channels: 2

    [12:42:53] Encoder: aac

    [12:42:53] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=320000 profile=aac_main

    [12:42:53] Side data: <none>

    [12:42:53] Filters: filter.adelay#delays=2131S:all=1

    [12:42:53] ---------------------------------------------

    [12:42:53] Opening codec: hevc_nvenc with options: gpu=0|preset=p7|profile=main10|qp=15|rc=constqp|tier=high|tune=hq

    [12:42:53] Failed opening codec: hevc_nvenc

    [12:42:53] Unable to open video encoder: hevc_nvenc

    [12:42:53] Closing encoders ...

    [12:42:53] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...

    [12:42:53] Unable to open encoder.

  • Vouk 18. Juni 2023 um 13:19

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.