Unable to encode video frame #103384! Aborting ...

  • Unable to encode video frame #103384! Aborting ...
    Vegas pro render halts at random frames when rendering at resolutions higher than 1080p. Video file is watchable, but only to the frame it stopped on. The problem is present on Magix Vegas 19, 20 and 21. I also made sure to open only vegas after pc boot, so other programs can't interfere with the process. Log attached.

  • Vouk 3. September 2023 um 16:37

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag
    [19:07:28] Frame #103383: vRender: 2035282 us, vProcess: 0 us, vEncoding: 22269 us, aRenderEncode: 301133 us, Latency: 2358705 us
    [19:07:29] Unable to encode video frame #103384! Aborting ...
    [19:07:29] Exported 103384 frames in 34233 seconds. (avg. 3 fps)
    [19:07:29] Flushing encoders and finalizing ...
    [19:07:29] Video and audio buffers flushed.
    [19:07:29] Trailer has been written.
    [19:07:29] Closing encoders ...

    Can you enable "Low Level Debugging" in Voukoders Settings? This should log more data (and the actual error). Sorry, I know that's a 10 hrs encode ...

    Are you sure there's enough drive space left?

  • Can you enable "Low Level Debugging" in Voukoders Settings? This should log more data (and the actual error). Sorry, I know that's a 10 hrs encode ...

    Yes, sure, I'll enable low level debugging and try to render again. Will update you once I get the log.

    Are you sure there's enough drive space left?

    I've got like 40 gigs left, but I think that's enough. After video render completion there's still a lot of space left. The 28 rendered minutes out of 45 was like 11 gigs.