When assigning a filter/encode operation to FFmpeg GPU1, the encode uses NVENC of GPU1, but the CUDA + copy engine of GPU0. There is bus activity on both GPUs, so this is not an OS reporting anomaly. Data is being shuffled from one GPU to the other mid-task.
When assigning filter/encode operations to both GPUs: both CUDA + copy engines of FFmpeg GPU1 remain idle.
Testing on a 2-GPU system, VoPro version, Vegas 20 build 411. GPU was assigned by setting the target GPU in the CUDA Upload filter.
NOTE: FFmpeg numbers the GPUs differently than Windows does. In my system:
- Windows GPU0 = FFmpeg "GPU1"
- Windows GPU1 = FFmpeg "GPU0"
You can find the FFmpeg designation for each card by the following command:
Scene files to test:
PS, to run both these Scenes simultaneously, you'll probably have to patch your drivers (because there are more than 3 total output streams):