DaVinci Resolve and "Type" in "Export Video"

  • Hello,

    I've installed the latest VoukoderPro with the DaVinci Resolve plugin, and here's what I see in the Deliver page:

    I'm wondering what's the relevance (and impact) of this "Type" setting, given that the colour space is something you usually pick in the encoder settings.

    I've tried to encode the same clip with the different types here available, but each file always ended up with the format that was picked in the encoder settings. As an example, if I picked yuv444p16le for the hevc_nvenc and YUV 4:2:0 (8 bit) for the "Type", this would still give me an output file in 4:4:4 (16 bit).

    With that said, it feels like this "Type" setting is unused. Is it? Or am I using it wrong? If not, and if this setting does nothing, any chance you can remove it from the plugin so it doesn't cause confusion?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von rfgamaral (11. Juni 2024 um 20:44)

  • Vouk 11. Juni 2024 um 19:16

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    This "Type" setting here defines in what pixel format DaVinci Resolve sends the frame data to VoukoderPro. Voukoder then defines which other format should be used for the encoder. You can have speed improvements if both formats match up.

    But as I think about it ... I could actually automate this and make this a bit more simple.

  • You can have speed improvements if both formats match up.

    What happens when the formats can't match up? For instance, I usually export in YUV 4:2:0 (10-bit), but there's no such option on that list.

    But as I think about it ... I could actually automate this and make this a bit more simple.

    That would be interesting because it was a bit confusing when I was setting up my scenes for the first time. Thanks for looking into it.