JavaScript errors from dynamic renaming in VoukoderPro

  • Attempting to insert JavaScript variable in the filename, and all file/path-related variables seem to return a value of "#ERROR". VoukoderPro v1.2.5.

    This gives me the following error in the log:

    2024-07-08 15:56:29 (error)    [OutputNode.cpp:210] Unable to open output: #ERROR - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4

    PS, this was a fairly long filename, but shouldn't have exceeded 256 characters or anything. :/

    Using ${OutputFile.Path}\${OutputFile.Name} - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4 with the target D:\temp\channel 1\bike_5sec.voukoderpro gives me the following error:

    2024-07-09 15:30:32 (error)    [OutputNode.cpp:210] Unable to open output: D:    empchannel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4

    So instead of D:\temp\channel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4, the program tries to create a file named D:    empchannel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4.

    Something's not getting parsed right. Tried all the way back to VoukoderPro v1.0.0, and the same problem exists in all versions.

    It seems VoPro will return #ERROR if there is no path specified. A path must be provided, whether a static one such as d:\temp\, or a dynamic one such as ${OutputFile.Path}.

    Dynamic path ${OutputFile.Path} is currently not working (see above). Maybe others too, I've only tried ${OutputFile.Path} and ${OutputFile.Name}.

    However, as a workaround, if you manually specify a static path such as d:\temp\, you can still use dynamic file naming within that folder, because ${OutputFile.Name} appears to be working. (e.g., d:\temp\${OutputFile.Name}.mp4) The drawback is that your output files will always appear in the d:\temp\ folder with this method, regardless of what target folder you specified in your NLE. Which can be a bit disorienting! ;)

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Vouk (23. Juli 2024 um 11:07) aus folgendem Grund: 2 Beiträge von Joe24 mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • Vouk 23. Juli 2024 um 10:35

    Hat das Label In Bearbeitung hinzugefügt.
  • Vouk 23. Juli 2024 um 11:57

    Hat das Label von In Bearbeitung auf Behoben geändert.