Making MPEG2 filles with Voukoder

  • I still have clients who want DVDs. I have always used Magix Vegas 20 and the Main Concept encoder to make my mpg2 files. But I have found that ffmpeg makes a substantially better mpg2 - smaller files and sharper images from my 4K Canon XF605 camera.

    My workflow has become to make a lossless MP4 with Vegas/Voukoder, then run it through ffmpeg with this command:

    ffmpeg -i MVI_0023.mp4 -b:v 6000k -colorspace smpte170m -vf "scale=720:480,setdar=16/9" -target ntsc-dvd Sat34.mpg

    WIth these parameters, Tsunami's TMPGENC Authoring Works accepts the MPG2 file without re-rendering it, and I get a 2 hour program on a single 4.7GB DVD. (With Main Concept renders at a 8M bitrate, it took 2 disks). The images are truly sharper than with Main Concept.

    Is there a way to specify these parameters in Voukoder directly from Vegas?