R2_beta2 : It works with CRF and CBR, not VBR
R2_beta2 : It works with CRF and CBR, not VBR
Please tell me your exact encoder settings.
Export to NVENC-HEVC
Strategy : variable bit rate
Bit rate : 12000
Max bit rate : 15000
Selecting "Level 1" is the problem.
Level 1:
Max. Bitrate: 64 kbit/s
Max. Resolution: 128x96 (176x144)
12 Mit/s exceeds the max. allowed bitrate. Also the resolution is too high. If you deselect "level 1" everything works.
I am sory, but this is a wrong défault value, it is better to set it to 4.1, as we sometime omit to change the all défaut values.
Value 1 is never used.
Ok, found the reason: Your configuration does not comply to level 4.1. It needs at least level 5. Why is that?
When not selecting any preset h264_nvenc takes "medium" as default.
h264_nvenc AVOptions:
-preset <int> E..V.... Set the encoding preset (from 0 to 11) (default medium)
default E..V....
slow E..V.... hq 2 passes
medium E..V.... hq 1 pass
fast E..V.... hp 1 pass
hp E..V....
hq E..V....
bd E..V....
ll E..V.... low latency
llhq E..V.... low latency hq
llhp E..V.... low latency hp
lossless E..V....
losslesshp E..V....
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A preset is a combination of (all) other single available options. So in fact if you don't specify any options, the encoder still does that internally without letting you know it. And this options by default require level 5.
I admit this is a bit confusing but I can not change this. This is happening in the NVIDIA driver software. But I changed the text of the error message:
I am sory, but this is a wrong défault value, it is better to set it to 4.1, as we sometime omit to change the all défaut values.
Value 1 is never used.
You are not using the default value if you select the level, if you do not select it, it should be unrestricted
Yes! Select a level only if you target hardware decoders. If you upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo or something it is not necessary.