As a user I want to have voukoder in my own native language.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    With R2 it is possible to add support for many languages. If your language is not supported right now you can do it. Or maybe group up with other people from your country.

    All you need to do is to translate this file. Keep the translation keys on the left side and translate the words on the right.

    KEEP THE FILE STRUCTURE AS IT IS.…ns/english.json

  • Could you please add "translated by" and "translator's comments" value?

    "translated by" to display the tranlator's name

    "tranlator's comments" to display a short message that other people can contact with the translator.

    No one is perfect, when someone else in other languages found some translation is incorrect, they can directly contact to the main tranlator, and discuss which is better in their native language, when they have a final result, they can make a pull-request again.

    But if everyone directly make a pull-request to you, it's also hard for you to choose which one is better.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I thought about it too.

    I'd like to create a new "Translations" subforum where people can discuss and improve the translations.

    I also need a volunteer as translation maintainer per language who is organizing and managing the translation and submissions from all users.

    These translation maintainers will be credited in the "About" tab with their real name.

  • Hello,

    I will do the translation in French, but I think that for the moment it is too early with the beta 3 release, there will be surely many modifications. The English version doesn't cause any problem, the French are accustomed to parameterize video coding in this language. Moreover, I generally leave the software in English because it's more understandable than the translated version in French, however I understand that you want a French translation.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Great! Well, I am sure some users will prefer having a UI in their native language. But that means that there should also be the possibility to always switch back to english, right?

    And yes, it'is not final. But it will never be final. There will always be new texts to translate.

    Would you like to be the official translation maintainer for the french translation file? Or do you want to do the first big initial translation only?

  • I'm already translating and I noticed that the descriptions of the parameters in the Voukoder->Configure Tab are not shown if the mouse is on the parameter text. Is this a bug or not implemented right now?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kleinrotti (4. April 2019 um 17:13)

  • But that means that there should also be the possibility to always switch back to english, right?

    Yes it's very useful to have the opportunity to have the English version, especially to do a search on the Internet or to ask a question here with the right words.

    Ok to be the "official translation maintainer" for the french translation, I could rely on the French community site on which I had presented Voukoder.

  • Vouk 8. April 2019 um 18:36

    Hat das Label von Implementierung auf Fertig geändert.
  • Well, I can work for the Simplified Chinese, exactly I'm already working on it, slowly.

    But I found two problems troubling me:

    1, Although all the "descriptions" can be translated, the "params" is really annoying. Even in the Chinese community, there's a mess, some are translated in article A, but kept original English words in article B ----- there's NO rules to judge which should be translated and which should leave it in English. And your goal is 100% localized, but I'm sure that it can't be fully translated into Chinese, or it may looks very very odd, sometimes it may makes people more confused if it's translated in an odd word.

    What should I do to deal with these params name?

    2, It's really hard to do it when only facing the strings, but I have neither NVENC nor AMF supported GPU, so I can't see these options in my window.

    And here's a message I left for other Chinese user:以前我总是笑话一些软件用机翻弄出来的中文错误连篇还特别离谱,直到自己开始实践起来,才发现软件界面的翻译,其实比翻译一篇文章还难。翻译文章的时候,往往可以顺着自己的逻辑去稍作修饰,哪怕一两个用词显得奇怪了些,其他人通过上下文也能理解想要表达的意思,因为篇幅一上去,个人的语言风格就很明显了,其他人读的时候,自然就能顺着译者的逻辑去理解。而软件不同,一个按钮就是一个按钮,没有上下文,这时候看见孤零零的一个词,脑中第一反应都是顺着自己平时理解去的,因此一个不是很完美的翻译就很容易造成误解。人无完人,在我进行翻译时,即使经过反复推敲,有些地方可能仍然会带上自己的语言色彩,而这对于其他人未必很容易理解。如果你看到了,真心希望能和我一起讨论,甚至是辩论,怎么翻译更合适,谢谢。

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    First of all: Thank you!

    1. We have the similar problem with other languages too. Sometimes the english name is not translated because everyone is using the it already as it is i.e. "Bitrate". But sometimes the name is more descriptive which could be translated i.e. "Average bitrate". So i'd only translate the last one to "Durchschnittliche Bitrate". I trust in you to find the right balance here.

    2. Well, i have the same with AMF. Just do as you think it's right. Maybe other chinese users can help you translating it and test the translations later on.

    3. Would you like to be the official translation maintainer? You would also get a chinese subforum where you can discuss these things with other chinese?