Iphone 4K video MOV to h265

  • Hello ! I use Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 to make some videos with my family. Most our videos recordered by iPhone 4K MOV.

    Please help me to set up right settings in your codec

    My main target is:

    1. Good video quality, no artifacts - 4K

    2. Low time to process video. Size of file is not important

    This is config of my computer. Thx

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Please be a bit more patient. I was away during the weekend and I am currently sick at home. Maybe other people would have helped you, too.

    But this depends alot on your project ... so there is not perfect setting for every situation. I'd would recommend "NVENC h.264" with simple settings like these. You might adapt the "quantizer" setting. A smaller "quantizer" has better quality, a larger "quantizer" produces a smaller file.

  • Vouk 6. September 2019 um 09:32

    Hat das Label Adobe Premiere hinzugefügt.