Voukoder for Vegas!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I have some big news to announce! Voukoder will be available for Magix Vegas soon! This is a big step forward for this project and gets Vegas access to all the great encoders (x264, x265, ProRes, FDK AAC, ...).

    I talked alot with Magix over the last weeks and they gave me access to the components needed to build a "Voukoder for Vegas". Follow me on twitter to stay up to date with the progress I make and please consider supporting this open source project.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I know it's been some time and I just asked Magix if this legal stuff is solved and if it is okay that I give out a public test version. I'd like to get forward with this, too.

    Still there is a big change in the whole project. It was necessary to split up the the single voukoder.prm file in two parts:

    • The "Voukoder Core" component voukoder.dll that will be installed to your C:\Program Files\Voukoder folder.
    • And the connector plugin that connects your host application (i.e. Premiere, Media Encoder, After Effects or Vegas) to that voukoder.dll

    In the end you will have two installer files. One for the "Voukoder Core" component, and the the one that connects it to the host application you are using.