Support UTVideo/MagicYUV lossless encoders in mkv container (if possible).

  • Could you support UTVideo/MagicYUV lossless encoders in mkv container please?

    Encoders already implemented in FFMpeg so it should not be too hard to use them (in general, not sure about mkv).

    I can install encoders and use them directly (in fact, I will install it anyway for fast decoding).

    However, in Vegas I can use them in avi container only.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von fifonik (26. November 2019 um 01:08)

  • fifonik 26. November 2019 um 01:07

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Support UTVideo/MagicYUV encoders in mkv container (if possible).“ zu „Support UTVideo/MagicYUV lossless encoders in mkv container (if possible).“ geändert.
  • Vouk 26. November 2019 um 06:19

    Hat das Label von wcf.acp.label.label6 auf Geplant geändert.