Did simple comparison x264 CPU vs x264 AMD-AMF with similar options.
From defaults I only changed to CRF=21
Voukoder x264 CPU rendered test project with bitrate about 20 Mbps. I rendered the project with x264 encoder (through MeGUI) many times and bitrate was about the same.
However, when I rendered the project using Voukoder x264 AMD-AMF encoder with the same options, the resulting bitrate was about 50+ Mbps that looks a bit too high.
So I think it might be a few things:
1. x264 AMF is really produces much worse quality and so for the same CRF encoder uses higher bitrate to meet quality requirements;
2. Voukoder does not pass or incorrectly pass some settings to x264 AMF and so the high bitrate is used.
Could you advice, how can I check what is causing the "issue"?