Failed opening codec: h264_nvenc ERROR encountered when exporting in premiere pro 2020

  • Hi,

    I am getting the following error when exporting the media. It just vanishes immediately after doing nothing.



    [09:16:28] =============================================

    [09:16:28] Voukoder 3 (3.0.0)

    [09:16:28] by Daniel Stankewitz

    [09:16:28] ---------------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz

    [09:16:28] 4 logical cores

    [09:16:28] 20445 MB system memory

    [09:16:28] Display #0 on: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER

    [09:16:28] Display #1 on: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER

    [09:16:28] ---------------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] ---------------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] Export started

    [09:16:28] ---------------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] Filename: C:\MTS\2017\Sangeet Copy 01.mp4

    [09:16:28] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)

    [09:16:28] Passes: 1

    [09:16:28] - Video -------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] Frame size: 1920x1080

    [09:16:28] Pixel aspect: 1:1

    [09:16:28] Timebase: 1/25 (25.00 fps)

    [09:16:28] Interlaced: Top first

    [09:16:28] Encoder: h264_nvenc

    [09:16:28] Options: _computeCapability=7.5 _pixelFormat=yuv420p gpu=0

    [09:16:28] Side data: <none>

    [09:16:28] Filters: <none>

    [09:16:28] Color range: unknown

    [09:16:28] Color space: unknown

    [09:16:28] Color primaries: unknown

    [09:16:28] Color transfer: unknown

    [09:16:28] - Audio -------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] Timebase: 1/48000

    [09:16:28] Channels: 2

    [09:16:28] Encoder: aac

    [09:16:28] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=96000 profile=aac_low

    [09:16:28] Side data: <none>

    [09:16:28] Filters: <none>

    [09:16:28] ---------------------------------------------

    [09:16:28] Opening codec: h264_nvenc with options: gpu=0

    [09:16:28] Failed opening codec: h264_nvenc

    [09:16:28] Unable to open video encoder: h264_nvenc

    [09:16:28] Closing encoders ...

    [09:16:28] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...

    [09:16:28] 00000000CC885EA0

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The GTX 1650 is based on the Turing architecture which does not support interlaced encoding anymore. Does it work if you deinterlace the media media and do a progressive export?

  • A detail For encoding...

    It's not a GTX1650 but a GTX1650 Super with the same chip for encoding then Turing series, by the way without interlaced support.

    The GTX 1650 has the same encoding capabilities as the old GTX10x0 series.

  • Vouk 6. März 2020 um 11:20

    Hat das Label Kein Bug hinzugefügt.
  • Vouk 6. März 2020 um 11:20

    Hat das Label von 3 auf 4 geändert.