In premiere pro if I export using H.264, I am able to increase the framerate of the sequence and use optical flow to give an artificial 60fps look. But with Voukoder it exports the video really choppy. Any help?
[12:11:03] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)
[12:11:03] Passes: 1
[12:11:03] - Video -------------------------------------
[12:11:03] Frame size: 3840x2160
[12:11:03] Pixel aspect: 1:1
[12:11:03] Timebase: 1001/60000 (59.94 fps)
[12:11:03] Interlaced: No
[12:11:03] Encoder: libx264
[12:11:03] Options: _pixelFormat=yuv420p crf=19.000 preset=medium profile=high rc=crf
[12:11:03] Side data: <none>
[12:11:03] Filters: <none>
[12:11:03] Color range: unknown
[12:11:03] Color space: unknown
[12:11:03] Color primaries: unknown
[12:11:03] Color transfer: unknown
[12:11:03] - Audio -------------------------------------
[12:11:03] Timebase: 1/48000
[12:11:03] Channels: 2
[12:11:03] Encoder: aac
[12:11:03] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=96000 profile=aac_low
[12:11:03] Side data: <none>
[12:11:03] Filters: <none>
[12:11:03] ---------------------------------------------
[12:11:03] Opening codec: libx264 with options: crf=19.000|preset=medium|profile=high|rc=crf
[12:11:03] Opening codec: aac with options: b=96000|profile=aac_low
[12:11:03] Requesting pixel format: yuv420p