Good x264 settings (May 2020 update 2)

  • These settings are written in cli format that is commonly used, e.g. --chroma-qp-offset 3; voukoder (and obs) uses api format which gives the same formatting with multiple encoders, e.g. chroma_qp_offset=3

    x264 Common (generally all video applies)


    Note: all unlisted settings are default

    Motion search: --me umh --subme 10 (7mod x264 has max of 11) --merange 32

    Rate Control: --keyint <FRAME RATE × 8> --min-keyint <1~5, 1 gives the best quality, faster as it increases> --bframes 11 --b-adapt 2 --ref 3 --no-fast-pskip --direct auto

    Quantization: --crf 17 --qpmax 22 --rc-lookahead <FRAME RATE × 3>

    Adaptive Quantization: --aq-mode 2 --aq-strength 0.7 --trellis 2

    Loop Filter: --deblock 0:0 --psr-rd 0.7:0.2

    GPU Acceleration (don't expect it works helps a lot): --opencl

    Very very light Denoise: --nr 10

    Resize/Crop(more info can be found on internet): --vf crop:left:up:right:down/resize:width,height,sar(rectangular pixel compression),box(not sure what's this),chromaSubsampling,resizeAlgorithm

    Resize up quality boost: --partitions all

    Windows export log: 2>D:\folder\log.txt

    Linux export log: 2>&1 | tee D:\folder\log.txt]

    x264 fast (don't use original presets, they're not well aged!)


    Motion search: --me hex --subme 8 --merange 16 --no-chroma-me

    Rate Control: --keyint <FRAME RATE × 5> --min-keyint <KEYINT ÷ 2> --bframes 6 --ref 3 --scenecut 33

    Quantization: --crf 17 --qpmax 22 --rc-lookahead <FRAME RATE × 2>

    Adaptive Quantization: --aq-mode 3 --aq-strength 0.8

    Loop Filter: --deblock 1:0 --psr-rd 0.7:0.3

    GPU Acc: --opencl]

    x264 lossless, special use only


    Motion search: not working

    Rate Control: --keyint <FRAME RATE × 3~4> --min-keyint <=KEYINT> --bframes 6 --ref 3

    Quantization: --qp 0 --chroma-qp-offest -3

    Adaptive Quantization: as default

    Loop Filter: not working

    GPU Acc: --opencl]

    x264 Very slow, Good quality high compression


    Motion search: --me esa --subme 10 --merange 52

    Rate Control: --keyint <FRAME RATE × 10> --min-keyint 1 --bframes 13 --b-adapt 2 --ref 3 --no-fast-pskip --direct auto --scenecut 35 --ipratio 1.5

    Quantization: --qpmin 13 --crf 19.5 --rc-lookahead <FRAME RATE × 3>

    Adaptive Quantization: --aq-mode 3 --aq-strength 0.8 --trellis 2

    Loop Filter: <default>

    GPU Acc: --opencl

    Very light Denoise: --nr 20

    hqdn3d denoise (x264 7mod exclusive, or filter setting in vouk): --vf hqdn3d:1.2,1.2,1.2,1.2

    Quality drop at credits roll: --zones <creditsBeginFrame>,<creditsEndFrame>,crf=28


    x264 Very slow, High quality high compression (great for ~5min clips)


    Motion search: --me esa --subme 10 --merange 52

    Rate Control: --keyint <FRAME RATE × 6> --min-keyint 1 --bframes 14 --b-adapt 2 --ref 3 --no-fast-pskip --direct auto

    Quantization: --qpmax 24 --crf 17 --rc-lookahead <FRAME RATE × 3>

    Adaptive Quantization: --aq-mode 2 --aq-strength 0.7 --trellis 2

    Loop Filter: --deblock 0:0 --no-psy

    GPU Acc: --opencl

    Very very light Denoise: --nr 10


    x264 Maximum Useful Cost Possible, good quality

    [Motion Search: --me esa --merange 56 --subme 10

    Rate Control: --keyint <fps × 5> --min-keyint 1 --bframes 16 --b-adapt 2 --ref 3 --no-fast-pskip --direct auto --pbratio 1.5

    Quant: --qpmax 24 --crf 18 --rc-lookahead <fps × 4> --chroma-qp-offset -2 --vbv-maxrate 8000

    Adaptive Quant: --aq-mode 2 --aq-strength 0.7 --trellis 2

    Loop Filter: --deblock 0:0 --no-psy

    GPU Acc: --opencl

    Very light Denoise: --nr 20]

    x264 Manual Quality, unknown compression, very fast

    [Motion Search: as default

    Rate Control: --keyint <FRAME RATE × 2~3> --min-keyint <=KEYINT> --bframes 6 --ref 3 --scenecut 33

    Quantization: --qp <18 or other qualities you wish>

    Adaptive Quantization: not working

    Loop Filter: --deblock 0:-1 --psr-rd 0.7:0.53

    GPU Acc: --opencl]

    9 Mal editiert, zuletzt von iAvoe (15. Mai 2020 um 18:54) aus folgendem Grund: I was wrong about how lossless mode works in x264, changed settings in lossless mode Turned merange down among all settings that makes it work as encoder design intended Added maximum useful usage, good quality setting Changed some settings

  • Sorry, that might be an idiotic question, but how can I configure the preset you give us in Voukoder (for me Premiere Pro)? I can just select the 3 given presets for x264.

    Thats fine for me, its in the options page menu above the presets. The downside is you have to input every setting manually in every video project for current version (mouse select), I think the later updates than this comment would just add more presets, but you probably still have to do the calculation, and especially HDR info related parameters manually:)

  • iAvoe okay thank you! I wasn't able to set denoise and GPU acc. Is that also in Voukoder on the settings page? And with --no-psy for example you mean no-psy=yes or no-psy=1 in boolean, right?

    When I start to render a 30 min 1080p/60fps video with the given settings the rest time just increases and increases to more than 10 hrs but there is no progress. I think something is wrong or does it really need so much time?

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von CptDayDreamer (18. April 2020 um 00:49)

  • iAvoe okay thank you! I wasn't able to set denoise and GPU acc. Is that also in Voukoder on the settings page? And with --no-psy for example you mean no-psy=yes or no-psy=1 in boolean, right?

    When I start to render a 30 min 1080p/60fps video with the given settings the rest time just increases and increases to more than 10 hrs but there is no progress. I think something is wrong or does it really need so much time?

    Yeah I didn't see that setting either, but it's a x264 built-in function, it could be added in later version? I guess:/

    Yes, it is no-psy here

    I'm not sure why you are going this slow, x264 is a pretty fast encoder unless you maxed out motion search, I think it's due to some effect, you can try pre-render the sequence

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von iAvoe (18. April 2020 um 10:36)

  • Vouk any idea when you will push the presets in which version? I'm not able to use the preset of iAvoe. Or it's just really that much power intensive. But I can't believe that 30 min videos would need 20 hrs or more tbh :D

  • iAvoe I've also downloaded 5RC2 now to test your presets. High Quality, High Compression would run like 24 hrs for a 30min video? Is that normal? I'm on Ryzen 3700X and GTX 1070.

    And the more interesting thing is that the high quality preset always fails. The lossless (fast) preset as well. Adobe Media Encoder logs this:

    Adobe Premiere

    Es war nicht möglich den Encoder zu initialisieren.

    Dieser Fehler tritt meinstens bei einer ungültigen Parameterkonfiguration auf.

    Which means that this parameterconfig isn't valid.

    Did you tried this one Vouk ?

  • High Quality, High Compression would run like 24 hrs for a 30min video? Is that normal? I'm on Ryzen 3700X and GTX 1070.

    And the more interesting thing is that the high quality preset always fails. The lossless (fast) preset as well.

    HQ HC only really seems viable for short clips on my 9900k@5GHz, anything too long absolutely explodes the encoding times.

    Noticed the issue of some presets straight up not working myself also, something worth looking into maybe.

  • Yep, it is, this setting has maxed high cost parameters. However there are even slower modes that are less effective. I uses this only for ~5min videos though

    I'm not sure why it's not working though

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von iAvoe (6. Mai 2020 um 09:32)

  • iAvoe 15. Mai 2020 um 07:20

    Hat den Titel des Themas von „Good x264 settings (will update x265 settings later)“ zu „Good x264 settings (May 2020 update 2)“ geändert.