Cannot get Voukoder encoding in Movie Studio 16 Platinum

  • Hi,

    when I select Voukoder for rendering (basic preset) and click render nothing happens (mouse pointer is the busy ring). Clicking on cancel stops the busy ring and closes the render window.

    This happens on two different systems with Voukoder 4.1, one with connector 0.70 (Vegas Pro 15 is working well with Voukoder here), and one with connector 0.61 (Voukoder does not show up in the list with connector 0.70).

    Any Ideas?



  • Also tried connector 0.6.1 with Voukoder 3 now, but it does not start to render either. Also no log file created.

    Vegas Pro 15 does work in any case.

    Anybody successfully running Voucoder under Movie Studio 16?



  • It obviously has something to do with audio:

    Render with "include audio" activated in Voukoder:

    Rendering does not start and a new preset is automatically deactivated by Movie Studio (...preset is not valid...)

    Render with "include audio" DEactivated in Voukoder

    Renderering works and a new preset can be stored

    Any Ideas?



  • This is what it looks like when I try to save a preset with audio activated:

    Without "include audio" activated a preset is stored and rendering starts.

    BTW, as you can see, there is no default "(Use project settings)" preset in the list like in Vegas Pro.



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Noki (7. April 2020 um 20:33)

  • The frameserver seems to work, as rendering starts even with activated PCM audio. Though, the button "Vorlage anpassen" (edit preset) cannot be clicked (Normal state for this plugin?). In opposite to Voukoder now there is a "Project Default" preset like in Voukoder in Vegas Pro.

