x264 - Video Strategy - Constant Bitrate?

  • In many Voukoder screen captures I've found while searching I see a Strategy option for Constant Bitrate (CBR). Where did this option go? After installing Voukoder and accessing it from Premier I only see VBR, CRF, and CQF as video strategy options.

    Is there still a way to specify a constant bit rate for video when encoding with x264 or any other ecoder choice in Voukoder?

    Thank you.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    It depends on the encoder what strategies are supported.

    x264: ABR, CQP and CRF

    h264 NVENC: CQP, CBR and VBR

    You can use CBR with the encoders supporting it.

    x264 uses ABR which might be off around 10%.