I hope Voukodr latest version can be uploaded to other places for people in other countries to download。

  • 我喜欢voukoder非常多,这是一个很好的工作,但我不能老是下载了这期运用链接。太可惜了!我想您上传到其他链接(就像Onedrive或谷歌驱动器或百度网盘)。谢谢!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Yes I will investigate here. I will probably need a chinese contact person who explains the whole situation in china to me. Preferably with good english skills and also knowing how to work together internationally. Can you use this website without VPN?


    Edit: Does this link work in china? https://d.voukoder.org/voukoder-8rc1.msi

  • Yes I will investigate here. I will probably need a chinese contact person who explains the whole situation in china to me. Preferably with good english skills and also knowing how to work together internationally. Can you use this website without VPN?


    Edit: Does this link work in china? https://d.voukoder.org/voukoder-8rc1.msi

    thanks for your replay,sir. this link is great.