Filter request: Lanczos-4

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Currently "zscale" in libav supports these values:

      filter            <int>        ..FV....... set filter type (from 0 to 5) (default bilinear)
         point           0            ..FV.......
         bilinear        1            ..FV.......
         bicubic         2            ..FV.......
         spline16        3            ..FV.......
         spline36        4            ..FV.......
         lanczos         5            ..FV.......

    And that's what's selectable in Voukoder. I'm not sure what lanczos version is being used there.

  • Vouk 8. April 2021 um 09:10

    Hat das Label von wcf.acp.label.label6 auf Nicht möglich geändert.
  • Vouk 8. April 2021 um 09:10

    Hat das Label VEGAS Pro entfernt.