Vegas 19

  • Vouk 18. August 2021 um 15:53

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Oh Ok great. I will check again. Thank you.

    Ok checked again after running the connecter again. I still cannot see Voukoder in my Render Menu. I'm guessing I must have missed something but not sure what there is to miss really... If there are any tips it would be appreciated.

    OK nm got it thank you and sorry for the hassle. I had missed the program location selection as I just did a repair install. Sorry once again and thanks for the super useful application. :)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Vouk (18. August 2021 um 16:36) aus folgendem Grund: 2 Beiträge von Funghie mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt.

  • To have Voukoder working with V19, I had to uninstall (from V18) and then reinstall with V19 as target.

    Is there a way to have it working on both version?



    After installation in V19, I copied:

    Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config file from Program Files/Vegas/Vegas 19.0


    voukoderplug folder from Program Files/Vegas/Vegas 19.0/FileIO Plug-Ins

    into the Vegas 18.0 respective folders and it's working for both V18 & V19 far

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Chris (20. August 2021 um 07:33)