Beiträge von Vouk

    Go to

    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore

    and check if there is a file


    If it is not there please uninstall VoukoderPro and install it again (and mark to also install the After Effects plugin in the installer).

    If I import the DNx clip and export it as ProRes / ALAC it correctly writes a file with 1 video and 1 audio 5.1 track.

    Your ProRes file (from Voukoder) looks also correct:

    Still... what's confusing me is that I indeed saw a file with 1 video and 6 mono tracks when I tried it the first time. I just can't reproduce it anymore. Strange ...

    Anyways, the code looks correct: Mono, Stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 get exported as the name says and everything else as sets of mono channels.

    It's just important the audio settings look like this:

    • "Render one track per channel" has to be DISABLED. Otherwiese you'd see the 6 mono channels.
    • Output Track 1 always has to be set on a timeline value (not on the stereo bus)

    Can you confirm your settings are like these?

    So, you now have ...

    • Voukoder Pro
    • FFmpeg (I can see the Scene Designer starts up and encoders are visible)
    • You licensed the product (In title bar of the scene designer it says "Registered to <Your name>", not that it is unregistered)
    • You deleted your scenes.json file and Voukoder Pro has created a new one after restart

    That's good and sounds like it's supposed to be.

    Now create a first simple scene in the Scene Designer by clicking Scene > Create > Simple and save it to the name Simple.

    If you now perform a scene test... what happens? Please paste the output here.

    There are several issues here:

    • The log file is from the "old" Voukoder app, not from the pro version.
    • You'd have to get a license. Voukoder Pro is now a commercial product.. Please go here to get one.
    • The incorrect values may happen if you have tried a very old version of Voukoder Pro a long time ago. You can fix this by going to %localappdata%\VoukoderPro and delete the scenes.json file. Note: All you saved scenes will be deleted!
    2025-01-29 15:53:37 (error)    [OutputNode.cpp:199] Unable to open output: Hunger at Home - Prores
    2025-01-29 15:53:37 (error)    [Router.cpp:161] Open phase failed: -11

    Did you configure a custom output file name in your output node?

    Try using the default file name, don't override it. It must have a valid absolute file path, file name and file extension, 'Hunger at Home - Prores' is not valid.