Beiträge von Vouk

    Up to now the connectors license text contained a line forbidding the commercial use of the software. This was never intentional and got changed now. Of course you can use Voukoder also in a commercial environment. Still it would be nice if you support this project if you it helps you with your work - either financially or in other ways. I'd also be happy if you send over some merchandise from your business. (T-Shirt size L please) ;)

    Voukoder 10.2

    Make sure you are using the latest connector for your application(s). For using NVENC (SDK 9.1) encoders driver version 436.15 or later is required.

    Fixes / Changes

    • Added ac3, eac3 and dts audio output containers for audio only export


    Thanks to my all supporters by either PayPal, Patreon or BTC. Also thanks alot to the translators.

    Top Patrons

    Gronkh, DannyW, Schauerland, Andreas Martin Aanerud, Michael wooldridge, Chris Woods

    I found Voukoder 10.2 in the "downloads" section but no announcements. What this release is? :)


    QT RLE, yes. It supports "argb" so it should be possible. Cineform I need to test if i can convert the frame buffer to "gbrap12le" easily.

    Magix informed me they were able to reproduce this issue and that I've found a bug in VEGAS. They are working on a fix. So this has to be fixed in VEGAS first, and once i can get the alpha channel data i can feed it to FFmpeg and its various encoders.

    It worked for me to export with 24 fps.

    Can you check why your color transfer is (null) resp. gamma22? Maybeyou can set all color formats to bt709?

    Looks like this on my machine: