Beiträge von droner

    I am trying to edit my drone footage with vegas pro 18 using the voukodec H264 intel QSV to view on HD TV but the video looks a lot worst than viewing on laptop that i edit on. like too much contrast and saturation.

    Then i found that HD TV uses studio RGB levels 16-235 not the full 0-255 levels.

    And also read on here that vegus pro shows the edit review window in different RGB levels.

    I'm a little confused because i have not been editing for long.

    I usually edit using the histograms to get my levels between 0-255 and check the preview window.

    Changing the preview window from studio RGB to Computer RGB doesn't seem to change the preview window much.

    So i adjusted the histograms levels to 16-235 then render with voukodec H264 intel QSV quality 23, slower.

    After the render i imported the video back into vegas pro and the histogram levels where a long way outside the 16-235 range.

    Tried it with the sony codec and the same thing levels way outside the 16-235 range.

    Vegas pro is not rendering the levels that i set when editing.

    I would appreciate if anyone could explain to me the best way to set video levels and codec setting for viewing 1080p video on a HD TV.