Beiträge von kobol
Want to test it, but cant find the settings to set YUV 4:2:0 10 bit in Premiere?! Please help, where is it?
Yep. I confirm it is as fast as Version 1, but the new H.264 native support is faster than Voukoder now.
V3 is also slower for me compared to V1. How can I change pixel format in the Voukoder to test it? Doesnt find this option !
Just tested it. Its working now but for some unknown reason its again slower for me compared to the Beta2 version. Maybe its a my rig specific problem. Nevertheless you are doing some exremely great job with your codec.
I reverted to the older versions but the error ocurred again. Already cleared the library cache but it didnt fix it. Reinstalling AME also didnt help.
Version 1.1.2 seems to work now.
Good, update of the AEX plugin with the Poc2 version:
Export of a series of clips, total 5 mn 02, in AVCHD 50p, without effects.
- Export via Premiere, MediaEncoder and voukoder 2.08
in Nvidia HEVC VBR 12-15000: duration 2 mn 09
- Export via AfterEffects direct, voukoder Poc2
in Nvidia HEVC VBR 12-15000: duration 10 mn 13
Under A.E the graphics processor remains very underutilized
This is not yet a usable version.
As I say previously :Exactly the same for me. Slower than AME and Premiere encoding+rendering.
Besides speed no. All settings works flawless.
Exporting the same project with the same settings:
to AME took 3.30 minutes
using AAE only with this codes took almost 13 minutes
It seems that AfterEffects plugin doesnt utilise the GPU much.
This will be fixed in the next version.
Thanks alot.
I recorded a video for the issue - here you go -
Just realise that changing "Format options" in "Video Output" doesnt change anything from a default x264 (*.mp4) setting. I choose NVENC hevc but when click on it still says x264. When I select *.mov export it still export in *.mp4. I was probably export in x264 because the NVENC hevc option seems not to apply. What am I doing wront or is there some kind of bug?
Ok then. The issue I found so far is the memory leak - fill up of all memory.
This is about After Effects. There is no beta2 for After Effects.
Yes. I know. But the speed is slower than your beta2 for AME, thats what I mean.
Check it again with 3 different project and beta2 seems to be the fastest one for me. Its much faster. Please use the code you implemented in beta2 for your latest releases.
Just tried it. When start encoding it fills on the available memory, in my case up to 32GB. It utilises only about 13% of the GPU. If I use AME memory fills up to 16GB and the gpu utilization is the same. Beta2 of your codec is much faster than the AME version and this version. Voukoder Beta2 utilising about 50% of the GPU vs 13% than all other possible versions.
You have done some great work here. Thank you!
Its probably good idea to integrate the latest NVENC SDK in the version in order the rise the speed and try to fix the memory leak causing the memory fill up.
You can use it with Media Encoder in AfterEffects. I am still working on a native AfterEffects plugin.
Yes I know that. I am interesing in a native AfterEffects plugin. Hope you release it soon.
Just noticed that you support Adobe Premiere now. Is it possible to add Voukoder to Adobe After Effects also ?