Beiträge von tilborg

    Hi Vouk! Thank you for replying.

    Use cases for me for small files are emailing review versions.

    I am an animator and motion designer, working on short ads etc. Also the internet is slow around here compared to Europe and the US.

    Is there any where you might point me to to learn further about these terms? ABR, CRF or CQ(P).


    Hi, new to Voukoder, I am using it to export from Ae on a Win 10 machine. Taking advantage of the multi frame rendering.

    I have tried average bit rate which I assume is akin to variable bit rate in Media Encoder, but haven't got it to work. Nothing is exported.

    Two questions:

    • What are some decent settings for average bit rate? For client export and client review. h.264, mp4.
    • Why is constant quantizer on all the standard settings? I haven't been able to find a good explanation of what it is online.

    Thank you.