Vouk i want to download the "legacy" version for a speed test with my PC... where can i found it?
Beiträge von JakSpoon
Where is the old Voukoder???
This version include x264 and x265???
Indeed. And I've found a way how x264/5 can be back legally. I'll announce it later this year.
Please also add again the x264
Waiting for x264/x265 encoding on Voukoder Pro!
x264 and x265 will not be included in VoukoderPro.
I will also remove the licensing information in the next release.
NOOOOOOOOOO!! Why?? LIcenses problems?
Thanks for all your work!
I have just two questions:
- In the ENCODER list, i can't see x264 and x265 (hardware encoders).. it's normal?
- Where can i found my VoukoderPro license key?? I've some limitations if i don't register into the program?
Thanks again!
Any news about that?
Can i export in VP9 WebM now with the latest version of plugin, right?
I hope can you fix this "bug" for exporting WebM videos with Alpha Channel.... thanks a lot!
I'll wait the update!
Not in FFmpeg:
CodeEncoder hevc_nvenc [NVIDIA NVENC hevc encoder]: General capabilities: dr1 delay hardware Threading capabilities: none Supported hardware devices: cuda cuda d3d11va d3d11va Supported pixel formats: yuv420p nv12 p010le yuv444p p016le yuv444p16le bgr0 rgb0 cuda d3d11
The thing is: It doesn't really make sense to have alpha in this kind of lossy codecs. You use h264/h265 as the final output format of your project.
When creating i.e. an overlay in AfterEffects to import this in Premiere again you would use ProRes or other lossless(y) intermediate formats. Esp. with alpha information you dont want to have any encoding artifacts.
What is your use case?
I work for a company specialized in web marketing:
I need to compress this short 3D animated video, which will be used for an advertisement on a HTML5 website, so I need to keep the alpha channel but reducing A LOT the video file size.
Update: NVIDIA HEVC support the Alpha Channel!
Yes, the format might support this but the libx265 encoder does not accept input formats with alpha channels (yuva):
CodeEncoder libx265 [libx265 H.265 / HEVC]: General capabilities: delay threads Threading capabilities: other Supported pixel formats: yuv420p yuvj420p yuv422p yuvj422p yuv444p yuvj444p gbrp yuv420p10le yuv422p10le yuv444p10le gbrp10le yuv420p12le yuv422p12le yuv444p12le gbrp12le gray gray10le gray12le
VP9 does:
WTF... Apple HEVC "standard" can manage the Alpha Channel and the x265 does not?? Incredible!
I just noticed the alpha channel is ignored for 8 bit video in the premiere connector. not sure x265 supports alpha channel. vp9 should support it AFAIK. I'll look at it in more detail soon.
Thanks for your support!
If i help you to fix this bug.. i'm here!
Ps. HEVC support Alpha Channel:
Please help me... can i upload the PRORES video specs?
I have a big short video in PRORES 4:4:4 with Alpha Channel, and i want to compress it with Premiere Pro + Voukoder with x265/Mov (or M4V) and VP9/WebM compression... mantaining the alpha channel of original PRORES video.
But If i try to export it with Voukoder, even in 4:4:4, the video is always without alpha channel in converted video.
It's possible export the alpha channel with Voukoder with this compressed format videos?
Thanks a lot!
ps. I use the latest version of Premiere Pro v.22 + Voukoder 10.1
Any update for NVENC encoder??
Any news about this feature on Voukoder 9?? Thanks for all your work!!!
Maybe you have noticed I've been a bit slow with reacting to your bug reports and feature requests - esp. since around november. This is mainly because of the current phase ("crunch time") in my day job. It's about working 10-12 hrs / day and a pretty much exhausting time. I do read all of your forum / twitter posts and I even try to fix the smaller and easy to solve bugs, but it's hard to find time for the more complicated ones right now.
Please continue posting bug reports and feel to push topics like once a week so I don't lose track of them. I really want to fix all of them once the situation improves.
Thank a lot for all your work and all your passion to this project!
Hi Vouk!
I would like to ask a program feature request: the auto update for the Voukoader + Connector ( i use Premiere Pro + MediaEncode)
It is possible? Thanks!
Thanks a lot!!