Log file? Are you trying to render interlaced video?
Beiträge von Joe24
Where did the Max GOP setting go for the h264_nvenc encoder? There used to be one, but it seems to have disappeared. This needs to be set properly to achieve Blu-ray compatibility, etc.
I don't see it in the h265_nvenc options either.
VoukoderPro 1.2.5
Update: VoukoderPro 1.1.0 still works, but 1.2.0 and newer have the GOP setting broken/missing.
Yes, this is currently broken in all VoukoderPro release versions to date (v1.0.0 through v1.2.5). Seems to be a path-parsing error.
Using ${OutputFile.Path}\${OutputFile.Name} - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4 with the target D:\temp\channel 1\bike_5sec.voukoderpro gives me the following error:
Code2024-07-09 15:30:32 (error) [OutputNode.cpp:210] Unable to open output: D: empchannel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4
So instead of D:\temp\channel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4, the program tries to create a file named D: empchannel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4.
Attempting to insert JavaScript variable in the filename, and all file/path-related variables seem to return a value of "#ERROR". VoukoderPro v1.2.5.
This gives me the following error in the log:
2024-07-08 15:56:29 (error) [OutputNode.cpp:210] Unable to open output: #ERROR - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4
PS, this was a fairly long filename, but shouldn't have exceeded 256 characters or anything.
Using ${OutputFile.Path}\${OutputFile.Name} - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4 with the target D:\temp\channel 1\bike_5sec.voukoderpro gives me the following error:
Code2024-07-09 15:30:32 (error) [OutputNode.cpp:210] Unable to open output: D: empchannel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4
So instead of D:\temp\channel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4, the program tries to create a file named D: empchannel 1\bike_5sec - GPU0 - BD v4.9.mp4.
Something's not getting parsed right. Tried all the way back to VoukoderPro v1.0.0, and the same problem exists in all versions.
It seems VoPro will return #ERROR if there is no path specified. A path must be provided, whether a static one such as d:\temp\, or a dynamic one such as ${OutputFile.Path}.
Dynamic path ${OutputFile.Path} is currently not working (see above). Maybe others too, I've only tried ${OutputFile.Path} and ${OutputFile.Name}.
However, as a workaround, if you manually specify a static path such as d:\temp\, you can still use dynamic file naming within that folder, because ${OutputFile.Name} appears to be working. (e.g., d:\temp\${OutputFile.Name}.mp4) The drawback is that your output files will always appear in the d:\temp\ folder with this method, regardless of what target folder you specified in your NLE. Which can be a bit disorienting!
Make sure you're not trying to render the video as Interlaced.
It would be nice to get this functionality. Newer Vegas is such a constipated clusterfudge for what I'm trying to do. Overengineering at it's finest.
If I manually install to the \Program Files\VEGAS Pro 15.0 folder (using an unused Vegas 18/19/20 option in install menu, then manually entering the target folder), I get the following behavior in Vegas 15:
- When clicking "Render As" in Vegas, instead of the Render As menu appearing, I get a simple popup box which says "VoukoderPro for VEGAS Pro, (C) 2023, Daniel Stankewitz" with an OK button.
- If I hit OK, then the main Vegas Render As window appears.
- VoukoderPro does not appear in the Render As list.
- voukoderproplug-vegas18.dll (or 20, etc.) does appear in the Vegas 15 components list.
Tried manually copying VoukoderPro files from a working Vegas 20 installation to Vegas 15 folders. Same behavior as above. Files copied:
- \Vegas Pro 20.0\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config
- \Vegas Pro 20.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\voukoderproplug\
If I manually install to the \Program Files\VEGAS Pro 15.0 folder (using an unused Vegas 18/19/20 option in install menu, then manually entering the target folder), I get the following behavior in Vegas 15:
- When clicking "Render As" in Vegas, instead of the Render As menu appearing, I get a simple popup box which says "VoukoderPro for VEGAS Pro, (C) 2023, Daniel Stankewitz" with an OK button.
- If I hit OK, then the main Vegas Render As window appears.
- VoukoderPro does not appear in the Render As list.
- voukoderproplug-vegas18.dll (or 20, etc.) does appear in the Vegas 15 components list.
Tried manually copying VoukoderPro files from a working Vegas 20 installation to Vegas 15 folders. Same behavior as above. Files copied:
- \Vegas Pro 20.0\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config
- \Vegas Pro 20.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\voukoderproplug\
Any hope of Vegas 15 support for VoukoderPro?
Any hope of Vegas 15 support for VoukoderPro?
Is the pro version paid?
No. Donations are appreciated though!
my current rendering settings are butchering the grain.
what is your blu-ray authoring program?
Rocketeer When you say the grain is butchered, are you viewing the rendered file directly...or are you viewing a Blu-ray disc that has been re-encoded by an authoring program?
Granted I don't know what the (1.0) is.
Probably means square pixels (i.e., 1:1)? Just a guess...
Is there a manual to explain those settings and numbers?
FFmpeg has fairly extensive documentation on their website.
Keep support for Vegas 15 please.
BTW....Unlike the Blu-ray render workflow in Vegas / DVD Architect, you don't need a separate AC3 audio render if you use TMPGEnc Authoring Works. You can use Voukoder/VoPro to render a compatible MP4 video file containing AC3 audio, and TMPGEnc will pass it through without re-encoding.
Up to now, we've been discussing Blu-ray video-encoding settings. Which are the same regardless of whether you use Voukoder or VoPro.
Audio-only is a completely separate topic.
If you prefer Pro, then use Pro...
by the way, it's Voukoder Pro that I'm using, the Voukoder Classic can't export AC3 5.1 audio only from DaVinci Resolve like it does in VEGAS Pro, but with Voukoder Pro I can.
Settings are the same.
Why would you encode to MPEG-2 for a Blu-ray, instead of MP4/AVC? The capability TECHNICALLY exists to use MPEG-2 on a Blu-ray, but it's such a poor option as to be mind-boggling. Very inefficient compression, compared to MP4. (Shudder.) You do you, I guess.
1.8 Mbps is definitely on the low side, depending on what you're doing. If you're packing a long conference onto a disc and don't mind cheese-quality video, it's probably fine. If you're trying to archive a movie and expect great quality... yeah, not so much.
If you want Voukoder settings that work in TMPGEnc without re-encoding, here are some (very) basic ones to get you started:
ThemaRendering for BluRay
I still have clients who want BluRay disks. I have tried checking the BluRay compatibility box in Voukoder dialog, but even with that set, rendered output is re-rendered by my BR authoring program. I use TMPGENC Authoring Works, version What setting should I use to eliminate the re-rendering?
Thank you in advance.dxdy7. Juli 2021 um 19:21 -
Would ".AVC" possible? easier to achieve? because this format is also supported by DVD Architect without re-encoding.
DVD supports MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 video formats.
AVC is MP4, for Blu-rays. Not supported by the DVD specification.
You can read more here:
DVD-Video - Wikipediaen.m.wikipedia.orgBlu-ray - Wikipediaen.m.wikipedia.org