Beiträge von Aris

    I got an error encoding a file Premiere Pro queue with AME (v. 13.1.3)



    - Encoding Time: 00:00:13

    08/28/2019 06:44:17 PM : Encoding Failed


    Adobe Media Encoder

    The destination sample rate is different from the source sample rate. Resampling changes the signal's loudness and true peak level.

    Voukoder R2

    Unable to initialize the encoder.

    This has most likely to do with an invalid combination of options.

    Export Error

    Exporter returned bad result.

    Writing with exporter: Voukoder R2

    Writing to file: U:\LUCKY & ME\MP4\Lucky&Me Touché.mp4

    Around timecode: 00:00:00:00

    Component: Voukoder R2 of type Exporter

    Selector: 9

    Error code: 20


    I reset the encoding one more time but the error was there.

    So my next guess was the filename.

    So I was very lucky. After changing é -> e the error was gone.

    (to vouk: filename path was changed from it's original path, but for whatever reason you can't reproduce it, I can pm you)

    Although my latest driver is newer than this one I see some complications.

    If you could explain more on this decision and on how could this hold you back on development.

    I understand many of them as I have written code on my own in the past.

    Will this be only for nvenc encoding or ?

    As is shown here my previous drivers were 411.63 if I remember correctly and I think that I have some issues with the latest drivers.

    I'm not sure 100%, but this could leave me or some users out of options.

    Thank you Daniel for your hard work.



    I don't use nvenc.

    I'm not complaining.