Beiträge von millertime23

    Thank you for this info! I used to compile FFMPEG with fdk aac built in and I was considering doing this again until I saw your post here.

    Which profile are you using for 03-AAC-ffmpg_CBR_384? Low complexity?

    Is this still one of the best audio encoders you've found that works with Voukoder?

    Ok thank you.

    I played around with different presets, and confirmed that HEVC/h265 IS working in Premiere Elements 2019 with every codec EXCEPT QSV. (which is my favorite codec :D)

    Is this a known issue with the latest Voukoder release? I could try updating Premiere Elements to the latest version if QSV is working on other editors.

    I'm running all the newest drivers from Intel and Nvidia.