Beiträge von gozarck

    Hi, i want to use this shader file "NVSharpen.glsl" in voukoder, in fact I use it through a cmd script in windows with ffmpeg and the code works very well, but I would like to use it in voukoder, I would like to know how to do it. This is the complete commands.

    ffmpeg.exe   -progress - -nostats -v warning -init_hw_device vulkan -i  "input.mp4" -y ^
    -vf hwupload,libplacebo=custom_shader_path=NVSharpen.glsl,hwdownload,unsharp=lx=3:ly=3,eq=saturation=1.25 ^
    -c:v h264_nvenc  -b:v 5M -maxrate:v 6M -bufsize:v 10M -profile:v main  ^
    -movflags +faststart  -flags +cgop -pix_fmt yuv420p ^
    -c:a aac -b:a 128k ^

    This is the important part to add in voukoder

    -vf hwupload,libplacebo=custom_shader_path=NVSharpen.glsl,hwdownload

    Also a LUT file

    -vf lut3d="U-PANASONIC-CINE-D-V1-LTR.cube"

    so how i can do that? thanks :S