Beiträge von Ryzen1988

    Recently i switched jobs and with the new company they work a lot with film and cinema content.

    All exports are done with IMF, with the netflix preset mostly.

    Is it possible to add this format in voukoder pro?

    Yes sure, no problem.

    Blackmagic has a seperate program called DaVinci Resolve Project Server 18.5 that you can download for free from the software downloads on the website.
    With this you can setup a project server that runs on a system preferable with fast connections to the main storage that will function as database for a company with extra multi collaboration functions.
    When this project server is running you can assign any workstation or server to act as Remote Render machine, so you work on your system and when ready for render you dispatch the job to the remote system for render. You can go and work on completely different project right after you have dispatched the job. Saves a lot of time.

    In resolve if you open the tap workspace you can see in the drop down menu already the option of Remote rendering, that is how you can simply switch a resolve to Remote render rig.

    Downside is that the remote system has to have the same plugins, tool outside of resolve and stuff. So installing Voukoder on both machines works. But with vokouderpro it crashes and i think its because the Render setupfile that i created locally is probably not transferred to the remote machine when dispatching the job. Currently that would mean every time a setupfile is adjusted or created you first have to make sure its also on the remote machine. Not impossible but little bothersome

    Recently i have build a dedicated Remote rendering server for resolve, It works pretty well.

    In the normal render page you can just assign the remote render job to the server, send it to it and you yourself can open another project to continue work in that.

    This works if normal voukoder is installed on the local machine and the remote rendering machine, but with voukoderpro the render machine resolve just insta crashes.

    I almost know for sure it is because when building render profile file on the local machine it is not included with the job transfer. So you have to keep all render profiles sync across the machines. Would be great if voukoderpro could include the render setup included to a remote render server. :/

    For clarification Floating point and fixed point <-> float and integer

    I have noticed that some of the audio encoders have strange options.

    So i thought let's contribute a bit.

    Normal ''cd'' audio is 16 bit. Almost all high end recording/Blu-ray audio and other forms of ''hi-res'' audio are all 24-bit. These are integer values.

    Most audio edit software converts the 24-bit integer to 32-bit float to be more flexible during internal processing and audio editing. After Editing you always export to 24bit int again.

    Currently a couple of audio encoders like flac have the option of 16 or 32 bit.

    It would be more logical option to have 24bit instead of 32 bit. I cannot think of a single source or distribution that uses 32 bit integer audio. Its always 24bit and varies from 48khz up to 192khz.

    Increasing the bit depth to 32 integer serves no purpose and will not increase audio quality only explode the file size.

    There are even more obscure audio formats like 64-bit float and 39-bit integer but these are exclusive to high end Summing in Digital Mixers and DAW's so also totally not relevant.

    Secondly a strange thing is that with AAC, EAC3, AC3 encoders it notes floating point format. (also mp3 has a float option)

    This is completely incorrect, AAC, AC3, EAC3 and mp3 are fixed point encoders only and they ingest fixed point audio only. There is one exception in the form of floating AAC-LD(low delay) version for Realtime communication systems but this is completely removed from consumer or professional audio.
    Could be that i do not properly understand the bitstream going true the software layers but from a audio engineering point of view it makes no sense :/

    Hope it helps :thumbup:

    Seems this thread gets revived every now and then so here is a question from me :?:

    Regarding a previous post:
    But there is an alternative / workaround:

    • Simply extract the libfdk-aac-2.dll file from the attached zip archive to your C:\windows\system32\ directory.

    Now everything is always about fdk-aac or Qaac.

    Many years back i have held a true double blind test focussed on music 14 X random A - B test, with me (audio engineer) and 2 other audio guys comparing the different aac encoder as wel as mp3, vorbis and OGG.

    keeping it short the FHG-AAC was the only aac that we could not distinguish from lossless (highest vbr preset)

    Is there an easy way to import or start using this encoder in voukoder? I know it can't be included licence wise and stuff, but for example in foobar i can just select this as my default aac encoder.

    The version of the encoder i have is a combination of the fhgaacenc.exe console shell and the enc_fhgaac plugin for Winamp.

    - work in CBR (8-576 kbps) and VBR (6 quality presets)
    - support for encoding with STDIN
    - supported audio: 8/16/24 bit, 22050-96000 Hz, up to 8 channels
    - support SBR and PS (HE-AACv2)

    Probably ist that simple of just copy paste files to windows or a voukoder folder regarding this? :/

    Hey i was checking out the new VoukoderPro and it looks amazing, very cool.

    I use the resolve version mostly so my question is about that.

    In resolve i do a lot of rendering of long form interviews and podcast's with video.

    So normally i export MP4 -> hevc+aac
    You can add extra outputs in resolve but unfortunatly not audio only so i have to do an extra audio only Wav export.

    Most clients also want a handy (stupid) MP3 version so i have to transcode the wav also to mp3.

    Now with the new Voukoder pro it seems i can almost do everything at once in one export run, only if i could connect the last wires.

    See image

    would this be a possible future option?