Need Voukoder in Digitalworkz Phoenix
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.... and if that wasn't the problem, post your log file (%localappdata%\VoukoderPro\logs\)
You've got something configured wrong in a way that FFmpeg refuses to deal with.
Thanks for your support.
What's the correct configuration of ffmpeg for Voukoder?
This issue occurs because there is no preset saved in Scene Design. To resolve this, you must first open Voukoder Pro Designer on the desktop to create and save a preset. Only then will Scene Design open directly in the editing programs so you can create your presets.
See my screen recording in this link showing the procedure.…k746d2jgbx&dl=0
I think there should be a default preset saved in Voukoder Pro's Scene Design. I believe this would be the solution to solve this small problem.
creating a preset then I can open the voukoder window.
But when I click render this is what I see.
Can you help me please?
Did you select Vegas 20 in the VoukoderPro installer options? You have to manually select your NLE from the list.
Also, make sure you have the "Show Favorites Only" filter turned off in the "Render As..." list in Vegas.
Resolved! Thanks!
Anyway, when I click this botton nothing happen. Why?
I just installed VoukoderPro but I don't see it on Vegas Pro 20.