Beiträge von DryreL
Hi! I have RTX 4070 Laptop, Premiere Pro 2025 and still getting the same error. Updated the graphics driver, didn't solve the problem.
I did not open this issue specifically for Voukoder Pro (It is also for Voukoder Classic).
Because I see that x264 and x265 were removed from Pro in the last update.So maybe you should consider bringing this feature to Voukoder Classic?
x264 and x265 will not be included in VoukoderPro.
I will also remove the licensing information again in the next release.
This is really upsets me as a regular x265 user.
This would be a good plugin. I do export videos on Photoshop sometimes.
H.266 video codec is released in 2020.
I wonder when it will available on Voukoder.
It is 50% more efficient compared to H.265
Thanks in advance!
I'm using Voukoder plugin almost 2 years. The render time was normally half of the video duration with NVENC HEVC option (I have RTX 3060 laptop gpu). And NVIDIA Studio Driver instead of Game driver.6 hours of duration video would take est. 3 hours to render with Voukoder plugin. But recently, it is changed.
Now it takes 7,5 hours of render time for a 6 hours duration video. What happened?
Here is an example. It is rendering for 6 hours, %80. Est. 1.5 hours left to %100.
Thanks in advance. -
Okay! The log file is big (~50 MB). I uploaded to WeTransfer.
Hi! How can I find the log file?
Also, the duration I said, is not about render time. It is video playback duration.
Hi there,
I'm using Voukoder with NVENC option (RTX 3060 Laptop GPU). Recently, I encountered this problem and don't know why it is caused. Maybe a driver update? I'm using Nvidia Studio driver.
The problem is my actual video duration 58 seconds. But rendered video duration is 30 minutes and the result is the extended version of my 58 seconds. I mean, 58 seconds video extended as 30 minutes so it moves slower than frame by frame.
What I tried?
- Update Voukoder and premiere pro versions
- Restart PC
Looking for a solution, thank you.
Hi. I've got an error during the render.
"A low-level exception occurred."
Extra error:
The other file size was 13 MB (Maximum File Size: 20 MB). But I've got an error when I try to upload it directly forum.
1080p 60fps MP4 video rendering (Voukoder 6.2.106)
HEVC (NVIDIA NVENC) - Quantizer: 30
Imported file extension: MKV
Exported file extension: MP4
Log file:
Thanks everyone, helped me a lot!
I'm having trouble with video sizes. A couple months ago or 1 year ago etc... my 1 hour video (1080p 60fps) render sizes were 500-600 mb. I remember these because I'm recording gameplay videos frequently. But I don't know why it's too high now. I'm using default Voukoder settings (HEVC / NVENC).
As you can see, 1 hour video size is generally 5-6 GB.
While the original OBS recording (2.5 hours video) was 3 GB, it is not normal that the video I divided into 1 hour and rendered with Voukoder is 6 GB.
Voukoder Settings (Default)
I rendered 1080p60 video for YouTube but it's too blurry.
i7 8700, GTX 1660 Ti, 24 GB DDR4, Premiere Pro 2020