Beiträge von Iztac

    Hi, i don't know what happend but sometime i have this kind of problem (See screenshot) when rentagle full of pixel appear, i dont know how reproduce them exactly but only when i select with GPU encoding, with CPU don't happend.... with VK 2.3 and 3.0 have same problem sometime, not ALL the time. on the source file doesn't appear this pixel zone..... Thank you

    I5-3570K 3.8 @ 4.8 Ghz

    16 GB DDR3

    Radion RX580 4GB


    when encoding in CBR (20000 kbit) many on my video have problem when reading them but if i change to VBR PEAK (20000kbit) it's ok

    Current Setting : b=20000000 level=6.2 profile=high quality=quality rc=cbr => bug (i join screenshot)

    Changed to : b=20000000 level=6.2 profile=high quality=quality rc=vbr_peak => it's PERFECT

    My GPU is AMD RX580 4GB

    i join a screenshot with 2 zone where you can see what happen , and i found this bug when video are more than 25 minutes duration

    i'd like to precise i made all my capture with Mirrilis ACTION with encoding hardware GPU (AMD) and in the original capture i dont have any kind of problem with CBR capture.... so it's not an hardware problem...