Beiträge von Ruprych

    I'm aware of this. Premiere CS6 is a 12 years old and does not support the features VoukoderPro is currently using. I'm not sure if CS6 can be still legally activated.

    well someone (like me) can have it still activated since times immemorial on a hardware set from those times. it was the last version with one-time paid license, not a subscription. many people have that. still an enough platform for FullHD editing. no nvenc support because there were no nvenc then yet. with a well known hack one can enable CUDA support, but final render is still CPU-only. A nice toy from times past.

    Interesting how much interest there is from VEGAS Pro users, though it makes sense as Voukoder really complements and expands the render formats available within that software.

    That's why I'm using it with VEGAS as well!

    I think the most important thing for Vegas Pro users is that Voukoder renders directly to the final file, and if user cancels the render, Voukoder cancels immediately. Instead of Vegas Pro renderer, which now has a freaky habit of creating a huge, unnecessary and useless intermediate temp file first, from which the whole data is transferred to final file, what lengthens the whole procedure by 5 minutes per every 10 GB after the end of actual rendering; and the same thing goes on even if the render was cancelled.8o

    Voukoder uses FFmpeg, so you can refer to the documentation on the FFmpeg website in the meantime.

    thanks and yes You are right, but unfortunately i am not as smart as to ingest it. particularly under the link above there's no reference to NVENC encoding which i use very much. On the other hand for example i cannot find a setting in Voukoder Pro to change number of reference frames in NVENC H264. And it does not seem to be a limitation of hardware (gtx 970) since files generated by nvenc through Voukoder Pro have 4 ref frames per GOP by default while generated directly from Vegas Pro have 1 ref frame per GOP (and GOP fixed to 30 frames while through Voukoder it can be changed to 50 frames for example).

    ok, could i then have an answer how to use no filter at all in Nodes->Filter ?

    ok please delete my thread:Dnow i understand how it works. those on the screenshot are only defaults when the filter node is called and created. no filter node means no filter used.

    ... and I am probably blind or stupid or both. But where to find any real documentation of its settings? Particularly, Tools->Preferences-Nodes and there is a "Filter" option for Video and Audio with a litany of filters available. I understand these are internal to Voukoder Pro and are somehow applied during rendering. How to set their settings, if they have any changeable settings at all? and - particularly - how to use no such filter at all? If my post is pointless because everything is explained elsewhere in plain view - then sorry.

    Sadly also Voukoder Pro is unavailable in Adobe CS6. Installed in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\CS6\MediaCore, for both Premiere and After Effects, it sort of loads into the program because the name is briefly displayed on loading/splash screens in Premiere and Encoder (in After Effects it's harder to notice) - but still is unavailable in the export dialog.

    Other than that, the classic Voukoder with the proper connectors works as expected and can be used.

    The image attached shows where the "Voukoder Pro" option should be expected but it is not present there.