has find the problem: it is 720*405 makes Voukoder failed in VEGAS Pro.
Beiträge von Lan-Na
[07:36:45] Opening codec: libx264 with options:
[07:36:45] Failed opening codec: libx264
[07:36:45] Unable to open video encoder: libx264
[07:36:45] Closing encoders ...
[07:36:45] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...
[07:36:45] Unable to open encoder.
Hello,This is Premiere's feature. Maybe you should contact VGEAS Team instead of here.
Lan-Na Can you please stop cross-posting this in various forums, twitter and threads? I am working on it.
Steve Rhoden (Hentys) Voukoder does not need the .NET framework
Hello Sorry, I have thought that the 4rc1's GIF problem is already fixed in 4 formal version. Unexpectedly it is still exist in 4 formal version. I mistakenly thought only me have this problem.
That's strange, not having that issue with Vegas 17 (421) on my end.....
As a side note, make sure you have the latest .net framework installed.
You need to disable the audio track in the exportas an animated GIF can not contain any audio tracks. I noticed this does not work with VEGAS currently. I have to fix the in the VEGAS connector.
Hello,voukoder 4 final still can't show GIF in Sony/Magix VEGAS Pro.
You need to disable the audio track in the exportas an animated GIF can not contain any audio tracks. I noticed this does not work with VEGAS currently. I have to fix the in the VEGAS connector.
Wow,thanks,It will be better if you can allow it output GIF even though the audio tracks are not disabled.
Does it harm anyone? Maybe there are other use cases and workflows than yours?
Hello, I can't find a GIF option displayed in Voukoder.
Unfortunately it is not that easy. What if it does not detect a version and you want to manually add a path to a VEGAS dir?
I still do see the need for this.
Hello,Vouk,you can do it like this:
vegasPath11 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas110.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath11~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath11 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath11 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath11 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
vegasPath12 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas120.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath12~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath12 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath12 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath12 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
vegasPath13 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas130.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath13~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath13 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath13 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath13 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
vegasPath14 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas140.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath14~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath14 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath14 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath14 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
vegasPath15 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas150.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath15~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath15 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath15 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath15 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
vegasPath16 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas160.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath16~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath16 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath16 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath16 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
vegasPath17 = Registry.GetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\vegas170.exe", "Path", false); //[Get Vegas Pro install directry, getted string has a "\" in end]
if (vegasPath17~="") then // if vegasPath11 not empty
Folder.Create(vegasPath17 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug");
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\voukoderplug_CHS.dll", vegasPath17 + "FileIO Plug-Ins\\voukoderplug\\voukoderplug.dll", true, true, false, true, nil);
File.Copy(_TempFolder + "\\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", vegasPath17 + "Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config", true, true, false, true, nil);
And you can find VEGAS Pro's folder in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\vegas170.exe",
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\vegas160.exe"...
and so on.
It will more convenient when installing and can support more version VEGAS Pro.
This is fixed in the next version.
bug: If change number of reference frame in Nvenc, render will abort.
This is fixed in the next version.
Bug:Can't change audio to 44100Hz even though project audio has been changed to 44100Hz; And the advanced options of Audio encoder can't show up.
A bug :First open dialog it will show "ui.encoderconfig.true" rather than "Yes".
Hey friends, how can I add a new language for this codec? I want to translate it into CN language.