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    Well, given that the quality of hardware encoding is not (yet) as good as software, there are several advantages in using Rigaya encoders over FFMPEG ones (that's why many - if not all - encoding-suites are adopting them):

    - many specifically-optimized filters (nnedi, for example);

    - better control of hw encoder;

    - deeper documented;

    - more fine tuned.

    That said, I'm personally very interested in using (Intel) hardware acceleration for filters and/or AVC "lossless" encoding.

    EDIT: I just realized I've posted in a wrong section, please move to Voukoder Classic Bug report.

    Sorry for the delay, it's a bit busy period for me (I have to publish 2 festival videos - read 11x4-5min live videos, 1 for each band - and a live classical concert - ~130min video - by december)...

    ...anyway unfortunally I still can't encode using Voucoder (classic) on Vegas 22.

    Render starts but immediately reaches 100% without ever finishing and/or generating any output. Anyway it don't crash.

    Here's a screenshot:
