I'll check it.
Please try installing version 2.0.7. It should be fixed there.
Fortunately It works now.. I appreciate you for your work service.
I'll check it.
Please try installing version 2.0.7. It should be fixed there.
Fortunately It works now.. I appreciate you for your work service.
Go to
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore
and check if there is a file
If it is not there please uninstall VoukoderPro and install it again (and mark to also install the After Effects plugin in the installer).
Did you install the After Effects plugin in the installer?
Did you check the installation directory is correct?
Im not sure. I just downloaded and it is in there.
Thanks for the screenshot. Everything is alright there. These red lines are just... red. They don't indicate an error.
Ok and I have only Voukoder pro in adobe media encoder. Why is this not in After effects?
NLE = "non-linear editor" = your video-editing software, such as Vegas Pro or Adobe Premiere or Da Vinci Resolve.
ohh I have adobe after effects and adobe media encoder. I just found that i have voukoder in adobe media encoder but not adobe ae why is that?
I'm not sure if I can understand you. What are your exact questions?
I mean I did everything that you said in forum about download ffmpeg and voukoder pro 2. But my question is why do i have red lines of video encoder and audio encoder? how do i fix it?
I bought yesterday 'voukoder pro 2 license' and I installed everything as you said step by step in forum 'downloads and instructions' I installed first ffmpeg gpl and then voukoder pro 2.6 and then I registed in voukoder pro design with my license and now I'm on step 3.3 red lines of video encoder and audio encoder red lines and 3.4 open your nle and how do I that?
please help me out