I'm already translating and I noticed that the descriptions of the parameters in the Voukoder->Configure Tab are not shown if the mouse is on the parameter text. Is this a bug or not implemented right now?
Beiträge von Kleinrotti
I could do the translation in German
Made a video which shows that settings are lost after closing and reopening the Configure Tab, same if profile saved under Premiere.
HEU : H264 and AC3 is a valid combination for export in MP4, and voukoder force MKV !
I use it every time in Premiere up to version CC2017 (idem MP4-H265-AC3)
Mp4 is only partially compatible with Ac3. But you should care, because in the past I had trouble with some players playing that kind of file.
Look here https://encodingwissen.de/hintergrund/fo…/container/#fn8
Here is a video which shows exactly what I mean.
Initially you were talking about the x264 "preset" parameter, right? Sounds more like custom defined presets now. There is a huge difference between both. Custom encoder presets are planned already, but I'm currently focused on bugfixing right now.
Yes preset parameters
My idea was to create something like "preset" files where every parameter is defined. When you select a preset in Voukoder it loads these parameters and set it as default (settings before will be overridden). StaxRip is a good example.
Okay, understood. Will think about it. Not on high prio.
Maybe I can implement it next week, I have dealt with the last few weeks with the source code.
Ah ok, I was confused because in the textfield is 1 as default value.
If you select a preset e.g. medium or slower there are defined values/parameters for this preset like subme=9, ref=5 ... . Currently the parameters doesn't change automatically if you select a preset.
I attached a screenshot with the right parameters for each preset (x264)
Can't set mv range to -1
When using fdk aac Premiere displays this error
I dont see NVENC so I haven't tested if same happens there, but I can say that this happens with x264 AFTER render is completed and you go back to configure settings.
I can confirm that
Seems that no Voukoder logfile is created anymore, at least I can not find it on the harddrive
It does not even have to be changed in the other tabs, the settings in the Voukoder-> Configure Tab are always back to standard, as soon as the Configure window is opened again
If settings have been set under the Voukoder-> Configure tab, but something has been changed in the Audio/Video tab, then all the settings under Configure are reset
If you select a preset in the Voukoder -> Configure Tab, it would be useful if the settings/parameters are set directly with the values from that preset
Do you have more info about this? In all my tests FFMPEGs AAC always sound worse in every bitrate.
FDK-ACC sounds in my tests with 5.1 Channels at 384 Kbps (64 Kbps per Channel) better too.
Is it possible to implement rav1e? It is significant faster than libaom. But I think it could be difficult because it´s not build in ffmpeg.