Correction: you can use 4.1 High Profile/Main Level ... instead of 4.0.
Beiträge von avwtp
Are you using NVENC or x264 for encoding? I can give you example settings for both. Are you trying to import 720p or 1080p? Frame rate?
Note that the TMPGEnc "RE" marker will appear for all files that it can't use directly. You can left mouse click on the RE and an info box will come up to show what video stream parameters are not compatible, then adjust the Voukoder setting accordingly. Most common is to ensure you're at level 4.0 ML/HP.
YUV 420 is normally used for internet video. It is the default color subsampling format for h264 video.
Just expect huge files, but also a very pleasant scrubbing in the premiere timeline.
I am using 6.2, is "YUV 420" a selectable codec? If so I don't see it in my list. If it's a preset, I don't see it either.
It would be ideal for Voukoder to hook into (and support) the Rigaya package for all things NVENC and then use FFMpeg for everything else. This would definitely complicate/duplicate a lot of Voukoder code. There is another thread somewhere way back where the issues were addressed.
Two weekends ago I tried to install Voukoder on a new Win 10 machine. I got the same error. Never seen it before on any other installs I've ever done. I didn't have time to debug it so I just manually hacked in the registry entries to make it work.
So do I understand that Voukoder always exports as L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs? If so then that makes sense as it's the 5.1 standard. So how do you connect/map in Premiere the appropriate input channels to the correct outputs? I screen grab pic would be great too
I assumed that voukoder does a passthru to the audio encoder in some standardized way. What you show is NOT what I thought 5.1 is mapped as. What I've used and I confirmed via for PCM audio is: L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs.
As I wrote, Audition gives you great control on how you can map, merge, mix the channels but you can map it also in Premiere via Track Mixer with mapping of 1 - 6.
But do you actually have a Surround theater sound system? If not then why complicate? Just downmix to Stereo. Again Audition has some nice methods to properly do it.
We use 8 mics for the concerts I record. I can control how much I want a mic to mix/bleed with other channels. From that I can generate 5.1 or stereo.
BTW, if your source is 5+ channels of mono and you're trying to get a top quality mix, I strongly suggest you do the edit/balance/mix in Audition and fold that back into Premiere.
Yes and if you google you're find lots of How-Tos on mapping the Audio input channels. Search for the words "Premiere Pro multichannel setup". The key is to create a multichannel sequence and then map the source channels accordingly. Export is very straight forward and Voukoder just picks up defined parameters and pushes it out correctly.
Just a heads up and I know we're dependent on ffmpeg but this just got released in as part of a standalone encoder:
Created a different setup that don't hit the memory issue and it all work. Found my problem ... hidden in the output.
>> BTW, I had a saved preset that I'd transferred from my usual machine to the one I was using for this test. That preset had audio configured to use Fraunhofer but the new machine didn't have the DLL. In the audio settings panel it said I was using regular FFmpeg AAC (no Fran listed) but then I noticed libfdk-aac in the summary panel. End result it that it errored out.
I combined to issues (sorry), first one is where I've included log files. Under conditions plugin can not see/connect to GPU. Pretty sure there is a bug here somewhere.
2nd is the issue with FFMPEG sucking up GPU memory and not leaving enough for noise reduction plugin that is configured to use NVENC. For this memory sucking, I seem to remember FFMPEG automatically increasing the "Surfaces" (??). Reason I see this as an FFMPEG issue is that I can frameserve the encoding to a 3rd party (TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works) encoder that is configured to use NVENC and it all works fine. I looked at the GPU memory load and it was WAY lower than Voukoder/FFMPEG.
On a related note, is there any way to restrict the amount of GPU memory NVENC sucks up? I foolishly got a card with 2GB (old System had 3GB) and to do further testing on the problem I tried to set it up so I'd have 1st part of the encode without competing usage of the GPU (NVENC get's GPU 0) but that didn't work as the effect needs somewhere > 1GB of GPU ram and NVENC is taking it all.
OK, finally had the time and the killer Effect to make this happen consistently (at least on one machine).
Attached are the logs. Big takeaway is that the Noise Reduction effect that I'm using is GPU intensive and can utilize it up to 100%. I have it limited to using no more than 50% of video card memory.
No Effect.log = is the work area without an effect
Compile Error.log = example of entry into Media Encoder dialog (from PPro) with minimal GPU activity prior entry/encode
No Exit Message.log = mucking with the Effect (GPU used by Effect), then entry/encode
Total Hang.log = entry into Media Encoder dialog, moving the Current Location bar and getting "Rendering" messages a few times. THEN starting encode.
Interesting on my older machine (GeForce 950 and Intel i7-3770) sometimes it did work just really slowly but on my fancy new GeForce 1080 (2GB) and Amd Ryzen 3900x, consistent failure.
Even if NVENC/AMD support is going to be "better" (speed doesn't always translate to better) natively, the Adobe Main Concept encoder is nowhere near as good or controllable as x264.
The biggest reason for me to use the native NVENC is to get around the ffmpeg "feature" of limiting video stream to 1 slice (and hence breaking BluRay compatibility for 4.1/4.2 steams).
Zones option DOES actually get recognized and works. Value just doesn't stick between entries into the dialog.
Good to know on qpmax. Maybe a note in the tooltip pop is to state the maximum.
OK, so I can ignore "helping" FFmpeg on surfaces
A few of the options are reset by the plugin to lower values or not retained between successive entries into the dialog.
* Max Quantizer limited to 69
* Zones is cleared each time options is entered (but the Zones values will work on a single run)
* Frame lookahead is clamped at 250
* Surfaces is clamped at 64 but if you look at a log message, internally it is increased
Was the R2 version in the same directory as the newly installed 4.1? When I by accident had both the system (note I'm using 2016), "Vouloder" showed as an option but "Voukoder R2" did not.
I'm seeing a startup lag with Fraunhofer, which then causes everything to be off. Here is the PPro display with a 29.97 fps project with orig, AC3 and Fraunhofer. Timeline V1/A1 work area used to generate the AC3 and fran clips:
Notice that AC3 is also little lagging. No lag using FFMPEG AAC. libfdk-aac-2.dll with 2/6/2020 date was I assume added during plugin install.
You're wonderful! Thank you.