Beiträge von Gokulvasanth

    I managed to install intel uhd driver using the zip and changing the default driver to intel uhd graphics in control pannel(not modern settings),,Then i got the option back(h265 intel qsv)...Then i had some errors like

    [17:22:18] Opening codec: hevc_qsv with options: global_quality=24|look_ahead=1|preset=slow|profile=main|qscale=1

    [17:22:19] Failed opening codec: hevc_qsv

    [17:22:19] Unable to open video encoder: hevc_qsv

    [17:22:19] Closing encoders ...

    [17:22:19] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...

    [17:22:19] 0000000049C55E10

    And after restarting it worked fine...P.S. I already had the latest intel uhd drivers installed by the time of the issue(it was installed from windows Automatic driver updates)....Sorry for my delay in Replying