au245 hat mit auf den Beitrag von Vouk im Thema Davinci Resolve crashes on export to QT HAP reagiert.
au245 hat eine Antwort im Thema Davinci Resolve crashes on export to QT HAP verfasst.
Thank you!
A pop up warning instead of a crash would be great!
au245 hat eine Antwort im Thema Davinci Resolve crashes on export to QT HAP verfasst.
You're right:
[22:55:21] Opening codec: hap with options:
[22:55:21] FFmpeg: detected 48 logical cores
[22:55:21] FFmpeg: Video size 3570x1176 is not multiple of 4.
[22:55:22] Failed opening codec: hap
I can easily make a HAP QT video in this resolution in After Effects. So, it's not a strict limitation of codec.
au245 hat das Thema Davinci Resolve crashes on export to QT HAP gestartet.
Resolve crashes every time I'm trying to export my timeline to Quicktime HAP in non-standard resolution 3570x1176. I have latest versions of Voukoder, Resolve and connector.
Export to HAP in HD and ultra-HD works well.
voukoder log:
[17:10:17] Failed opening codec: hap
[17:10:17] Unable to open video encoder: hap
(68cc.7348): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)