shaunk hat eine Antwort im Thema Voukoder Pro presets missing? verfasst.
Thanks for the response. I haven't used the original Voukoder app. Where can I get this so I can get the presets from it? Thanks
shaunk hat eine Antwort im Thema Where are the instructions on how to use this? verfasst.
A little disheartening to see this post without any response after nearly 2 months. It's similar to the post I posted earlier today. After purchasing this product, I would have assumed there would at least be some documentation to help use it....or at the very least some common export templates.
shaunk hat das Thema Voukoder Pro presets missing? gestartet.
Hello, I purchased Voukoder Pro today and got it set up in Vegas Pro 22 after a little bit of work. Unless I am doing something wrong, it looks like there are no presets available in my installation of Voukoder Pro. Is this normal? If so, is there a repository for presets I could use just to get up and running quickly. Thanks.